Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka

Middle East after the Islamic countries - Putin of Middle ...

Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka Middle East after the Islamic countries - of Putin Middle East geopolitical strategy Take the extreme violence route, said that to justify the sex slaves, new elements there is little to Come to the revolutionary movement Islamic State (ISIS). Islamic countries are France in many aspects, Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, system emerged during the Revolution in Iran, resemble surprisingly well to the revolutionary movement aimed at nation-building. And, according to the place where history shows, an attempt to overthrow the revolutionary state from the outside, Ikioizuke the hardliners to reverse, given the opportunity of further expansion, and it is often the opposite effect. More good policy, left the persevering against the Islamic State [containment strategy] to regional actors, the United States thing is watching from a distance. By intervened in Syria, Russia can not only exercise also influence in Syria of Posutoasado, to our regional player [Unlike the United States, Russia is to protect the Middle East leaders and government from a popular uprising, but never abandon] It sent a message that.