Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka

Why [Islamic State] has become a threat to the world | ...

Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka Why [Islamic State] has become a threat to the world Turkish government to stray a poor Iraqi forces Repeat the brutal executions in the threat of [Islamic State] (IS), it is not alarmed all over the world. Why it was expanded rapidly forces this much. Complaints that Western after the first World War is over the Middle East of the border was defined, the Iraqi army was unceremoniously fled in response to the invasion of the IS, such as the Turkish government, which has delayed the measures while becoming a base for relief supplies to the IS, growing power approaching to the background. Antipathy to the Iraqi government in the background of the growing power [Islamic State] (IS) is a Sunni Islamic extremist organization. Enter the 0 years, an enlarged view of the dominant destination in northern Syria and northern Iraq. Years late, declared the establishment of the Caliphate (political institutions of church and state match), was declared to be recommended to the caliph the leader Abu Bakr bug Daddy.