Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka

TokuAkiraHiroshi proclaimed ISIS leader TomoeKaku ItaruSusumu ...

Abe visit to Israel and the ISIS hostage - Sakai Tanaka Trump, announced that ISIS leader Baghdadi will explode in the North American operations of Syria Is the ISIS leader Baghdadi has exploded in the United States of the strike that took place on the night of the day from October day. Baghdadi announced the establishment of a caliphate in 0 date. He asserted that the dead many times, many times [resurrected]. This time, it has been reported that the CIA helped to confine him. After reviewing the results of the DNA bioassay, Trump Mr. announced this week of news at the White House. Aboba cycle Al bug Daddy is that was killed in the US attack in northern Syria to Sunday from Saturday night. Baghdadi In a recent message, in charge of the attack in countries including the Easter terrorist attacks of times in Sri Lanka, 00 people nearly continuous explosions were claimed to have died. Trump, thugs of hooligans who do their best to intimidate the others, said he spent the last few hours, panic and fear. Looking at the live strategy of the US military, Trump at the White House meeting today, Bagudadi told died in no glory also exit tunnel.